Interval Training Vs. Steady State Transcript
Traditional cardio, for example, would be to complete an hour of work at a percentage of max heart rate. And an example of interval training would be to complete repeated bouts of work and rest periods.
Science shows that interval training is the most efficient form of cardiovascular training. In a peer reviewed research study, Dr. Togo Tabata showed that intervals are more time efficient, and create a stronger effect on VO2 max than steady state training (VO2 max is defined as oxygen consumption that is directly correlated to exercise intensity).
In Dr. Tabata’s interval study, his first test subjects completed 1 hour of steady state cardio five times a week for six weeks. In the second group, the test subjects completed eight bouts of 20 seconds high intensity work followed by 10 seconds complete rest. This six week test period resulted in an increase of VO2 max in both groups. The steady state subjects trained 5 hours a week and increased VO2 between 6 to 9% and the interval group trained one hour and sixteen minutes a week and increased by 10.9% to 12.7%.
In summary, we can conclude that interval training gives us a time efficient protocol to get in shape!
Effects of moderate-intensity endurance and high-intensity intermittent training on anaerobic capacity and VO2max.
Department of Physiology and Biomechanics, National Institute of Fitness and Sports, Shiromizu-cho 1, Kanoya City, Kagoshima Prefecture, 891-23 JAPAN